41 research outputs found

    The Mass of Graviton and Its Relation to the Number of Information according to the Holographic Principle

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    We investigate the relation of the mass of the graviton to the number of information in a flat universe. As a result we find that the mass of the graviton scales as gr ∝ 1/√. Furthermore, we find that the number of gravitons contained inside the observable horizon is directly proportional to the number of information ; that is, gr ∝ . Similarly, the total mass of gravitons that exist in the universe is proportional to the number of information ; that is, gr ∝ √. In an effort to establish a relation between the graviton mass and the basic parameters of the universe, we find that the mass of the graviton is simply twice the Hubble mass as it is defined by Gerstein et al. (2003), times the square root of the quantity − 1/2, where is the deceleration parameter of the universe. In relation to the geometry of the universe we find that the mass of the graviton varies according to the relation gr ∝ √sc, and therefore gr obviously controls the geometry of the space time through a deviation of the geodesic spheres from the spheres of Euclidean metric

    The Number of Information Bits Related to the Minimum Quantum and Gravitational Masses in a Vacuum Dominated Universe

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    Wesson obtained a limit on quantum and gravitational mass in the universe by combining the cosmological constant Lambda, Planck constant, the speed of light c, and also the gravitational constant G. The corresponding masses are 2.0x10E-62 kg and 2.3E+54 kg respectively, and in general can be obtained with the help of a generic dimensional analysis, or from an analysis where the cosmological constant appears in a four dimensional space-time and as a result of a higher dimensional reduction. In this paper our goal is to establish a relation for both quantum and gravitational mass as function of the information number bit N. For this reason, we first derive an expression for the cosmological constant as a function of information bit, since both masses depend on it, and then various resulting relations are explored, in relation to information number of bits N. Fractional information bits imply no information extraction is possible. We see, that the order of magnitude of the various parameters as well as their ratios involve the large number 10E+122, that is produced naturally from the fundamental parameters of modern cosmology. Finally, we propose that in a complete quantum gravity theory the idea of information the might have to be included, with the quantum bits of information (q-bits) as one of its fundamental parameters, resulting thus to a more complete understanding of the universe, its laws, and its evolution.Comment: Cosmological constant, quantum mass, gravitational mass, information bit, fractional information bit, large number hypothesi

    Bekenstein Bound of Information Number N and its Relation to Cosmological Parameters in a Universe with and without Cosmological Constant

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    Bekenstein has obtained is an upper limit on the entropy S, and from that, an information number bound N is deduced. In other words, this is the information contained within a given finite region of space that includes a finite amount of energy. Similarly, this can be thought as the maximum amount of information required to perfectly describe a given physical system down to its quantum level. If the energy and the region of space are finite then the number of information N required in describing the physical system is also finite. In this short letter two information number bounds are derived and compared for two types of universe. First, a universe without a cosmological constant lamda and second a universe with a cosmological constant lamda are investigated. This is achieved with the derivation of two different relations that connect the Hubble constant and cosmological constants to the number of information N. We find that the number of information N involved in a the two universes are identical or N1=N2, and that the total mass of the universe scales as the square root of the information number N, containing an information number N of the order of 10E+122. Finally, we expressed Calogero quantization action as a function of the number of information N. We also have found that in self gravitating systems the number of information N in nats is the ratio of the total kinetic to total thermal energy of the system.Comment: Bekenstein bound, cosmological constant, information, nats, entropy, mass of the universe, self-gravitating systems, Calogero's conjectur

    Fractal Growth on the Surface of a Planet and in Orbit around it

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    Fractals are defined as geometric shapes that exhibit symmetry of scale. This simply implies that fractal is a shape that it would still look the same even if somebody could zoom in on one of its parts an infinite number of times. This property is also called self-similarity with several applications including nano pharmacology and drug nano carriers. We are interested in the study of the properties of fractal aggregates in a microgravity environment above an orbiting spacecraft. To model the effect we use a complete expression for the gravitational acceleration. In particular on the surface of the Earth the acceleration is corrected for the effect of oblateness and rotation. In the gravitational acceleration the effect of oblateness can be modeled with the inclusion of a term that contains the J2 harmonic coefficient, as well as a term that depends on the square of angular velocity of the Earth. In orbit the acceleration of gravity at the point of the spacecraft is a function of the orbital elements and includes only in our case the J2 harmonic since no coriolis force is felt by the spacecraft. Using the fitting parameter d = 3.0 we have found that the aggregate monomer number N is not significantly affected and exhibits a minute 0.0001% difference between the geocentric and areocentric latitudes of 90 degrees and 0 degrees. Finally for circular and elliptical orbits around Earth and Mars of various inclinations and eccentricities the aggregate monomer number is not affected at all at the orbital altitude of 300 km.Comment: 24 pages, 10 Figures, Springer journal Microgravity - Science and Technology, 2014 (accepted, in press

    Satellite Motion in a Manev Potential with Drag

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    In this paper, we consider a satellite orbiting in a Manev gravitational potential under the influence of an atmospheric drag force that varies with the square of velocity. Using an exponential atmosphere that varies with the orbital altitude of the satellite, we examine a circular orbit scenario. In particular, we derive expressions for the change in satellite radial distance as a function of the drag force parameters and obtain numerical results. The Manev potential is an alternative to the Newtonian potential that has a wide variety of applications, in astronomy, astrophysics, space dynamics, classical physics, mechanics, and even atomic physics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Effects in the Anomalistic Period of Celestial Bodies due to a Logarithmic Correction to the Newtonian Gravitational Potential

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    We study the motion of a secondary celestial body under the influence of the logarithmic corrected gravitational force of a primary one. This kind of correction was introduced by Fabris et al. (2009). We derive two equations to compute the rate of change of the periastron w.r.t. the eccentric anomaly and its total variation over one revolution, In a kinematical sense, this influence produces an apsidal motion. We perform numerical estimations for Mercury and for the companion star of the pulsar PSR 1913+16. We also consider the case of the artificial Earth satellite GRACE-A, but the results present a low degree of reliability from a practical standpointComment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Published in Astrophysics and Space Science, 201

    Kretschmann Invariant and Relations Between Spacetime Singularities Entropy and Information

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    Curvature invariants are scalar quantities constructed from tensors that represent curvature. One of the most basic polynomial curvature invariants in general relativity is the Kretschmann scalar. This study is an investigation of this curvature invariant and the connection of geometry to entropy and information of different metrics and black holes. The scalar gives the curvature of the spacetime as a function of the radial distance r in the vicinity as well as inside of the black hole. We derive the Kretschmann Scalar (KS) first for a fifth force metric that incorporates a Yukawa correction, then for a Yukawa type of Schwarzschild black hole, for a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole and finally an internal star metric. Then we investigate the relation and derive the curvature’s dependence on the entropy S and number of information N. Finally we discuss the settings in which the entropy’s full range of positive and negative values would have a meaningful interpretation. The Kretschmann scalar helps us understand the black hole’s appearance as a “whole entity”. It can be applied in solar mass size black holes, neutron stars or supermassive black holes at the center of various galaxies

    The Lense-Thirring Effect in the Anomalistic Period of Celestial Bodies

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    In the weak field and slow motion approximation, the general relativistic field equations are linearized, resembling those of the electromagnetic theory. In a way analogous to that of a moving charge generating a magnetic field, a mass-energy current can produce a gravitomagnetic field. In this contribution, the motion of a secondary celestial body is studied under the influence of the gravitomagnetic force generated by a spherical primary. More specifically, two equations are derived to approximate the periastron time rate of change and its total variation over one revolution (i.e., the difference between the anomalistic period and the Keplerian period). Kinematically, this influence results to an apsidal motion. The aforementioned quantities are numerically estimated for Mercury, the companion star of the pulsar PSR 1913+16, the companion planet of the star HD 80606 and the artificial Earth satellite GRACE-A. The case of the artificial Earth satellite GRACE-A is also considered, but the results present a low degree of reliability from a practical standpoint

    Dynamics and Stability of the Two Body Problem with Yukawa Correction

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    We explore the dynamics and stability of the two body problem by modifying the Newtonian potential with the Yukawa potential. This model may be considered a theory of modified gravity; where the interaction is not simply the kepler solution for large distance. The stability is investigated by deriving the Jacobian of the linearized matrix equation and evaluating the eigenvalues of the various equilibrium points calculated during the analysis. The subcases of a purely Yukawa and purely Newtonian potential are also explored

    Number of Information and its Relation to the Cosmological Constant Resulting from Landauer’s Principle

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    Using a recent published formula for the number of information N that results from Landauer’s principle we obtain an expression for the cosmological constant Λ . Next, assuming the universe as a system of mass M satisfying Landauer’s principle and eliminating its mass M from the given expression for the number of information, we obtain a new expression that agrees with the one derived by Lloyd. Furthermore, we modify the generalized entropy relation and three equivalent entropy expressions are obtained. Finally, in two different universes the time rate of change of the entropy is calculated. In a flat universe the time rate of the entropy is time independent and depends on fundamental constants of physics